Welcome to
Hollow Oak Farm!

Kaufman, Texas

We are Mike and Mollie Kasper, homesteaders and owners of Hollow Oak Farm in Kaufman, Texas.


Our initial goal when we began homesteading was self-sufficiency. We practice sustainable farming practices as much as possible, using organic fertilizers and pest control whenever we can. Hollow Oak Farm’s 5.78 acres currently includes chickens, quail, bees, and a large vegetable garden. As we learn more about gardening and animal husbandry, our methods have improved and our harvest has grown. We hope you enjoy learning about our homesteading journey!



Hollow Oak Farm started with a single colony of bees, and quickly expanded. We are now home to six colonies (more than 180,000 bees). If you have a swarm that needs a new home, please reach out.



After the bees, we added chickens! Hollow Oak Farm features Dutch Barnevelders and Speckled Sussex. We sell farm-fresh eggs and chicks.



Once the chickens were settled, we invited a bevy of Coturnix quail to join Hollow Oak Farm. Baby quail, a.k.a. cheepers, are arriving frequently. We will gladly do a custom hatch for you.

The Garden

This spring, the Hollow Oak garden includes tomatoes, peppers, corn, squash, cucumbers, beans, peas, okra, cantaloupe, and watermelon. What we can’t eat ourselves, we take to the Kaufman Farmers Market.

Plant Info and Care Guides