Plant Info and Care Guides

Here’s what we’re growing in the Hollow Oak garden this year. We plant until the garden is full and then sell seedlings at the Fresh Market on Grove in Kaufman, Texas. We’re there every second and fourth Saturday from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., May through mid-July and mid-September through December.



In our 2021 garden, we are growing ten different varieties of tomatoes. Some are old favorites and some are new to us. Plant along with us and enjoy!

Tomato Info and Care Guides



We offer a wide variety of annual and perennial culinary herbs.

Herb Info and Care Guides



At Hollow Oak Farm, we’re planting a mix of six sweet and spicy peppers.

Pepper Info and Care Guides

Melons and Squash

Armenian cucumbers, cantaloupe, and yellow zucchini will be in the garden (and on the table) this year.

Info and Care Guides